If you don't sing to your children...who will?

If you don't read to your children..who will?

If you don't teach the Word of God to your children...who will?

If you don't hug your child when they fall...who will?

If you don't teach your daughter the gentler graces of womanhood...who will?

If you don't teach your son's about courageous manhood...who will?

If you don't share the gospel with your children to get saved...who will?

I will tell you who...

The world will sing your children to sleep with lullabyes of narcissism, sensuality and violence.

The world will read to your children and teach them anti-God philosophies and give them a humanistic education.

The world will teach your children that the Word of God does not matter today, is false and is irrelevant and ultimately to be rejected but all other faiths fully embraced.

The world will hug your child when they fall and teach them that homosexuality is okay.

The world will teach your daughters by showing them to dress and act like prostitutes, drink and do drugs, rebel and have unprotected sex.

The world will teach your sons to have dirty mouths, drink and do drugs, rebel and have unprotected sex.

The world will share it's gospel with you---that a man can only be saved if he seeks his own rights and comforts, if he chases after materialism, big toys, vanity, power and success and that you must absolutely sacrifice yourselves and your families to acquire such attainment.

Here God does not rule, only shameful man.

Deadly sin is not cautiously avoided, instead vehemently encouraged, and therefore broken homes, uncontrolled violence and widespread death reigns.

That is their gospel.

Dear Mothers,

If not you....then who?


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