"The Simple Woman's Daybook"



Outside my window...the chimes are sweetly singing

I am thinking...what an awesome God to give me this warm home

I am thankful...how fun it is to be His child

In the kitchen...I can still smell the Pecan Pie Lindajoy and I made earlier

I am wearing...my coveralls

I am creating...a Farmers Market

I am going...to the prayer Garden to begin cleaning

I am wondering...Just what does God want my Garden to look like this year

I am reading...Goat Cheese made Simple

I am hoping...that Love will be the most important thing

I am looking forward to...another year singing to Him

I am learning....to forgive and be forgiven

Around the house...is the new dish washer humming never had one before

I am pondering...Just how wonderful it is to live her on our farm

A favorite quote for today...Draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh unto you.

One of my favorite things...Bible times in the morning with my Husband David

A few plans for the rest of the week:Clean where old trailer use to be, make  echinacea tincture, and finish the cure all tea,  finish the bee project, and make soap 

A peek into my day...This is the last of the old trailer buried now behind the shop.
You too can take part in the Simple Woman's Daybook by going here and linking up!



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