Gentle Reminders

Author unknown-
I’m gently reminded of an old lesson, that takes me back to Sunday School; something, we’ve seem to have forgotten, is living by the Bible’s “golden rule”.

For walking in God’s, true Love towards others is always fashionable. Remember! He has promised us strength to operate under His “Christian label”.

When abiding by the principles of His Word, we are able to treat others properly. Desiring to be our brother’s keeper, should assist us to more easily see… faith’s operation within our lives.

Actions demonstrate what we believe; so do what is right, because of the… Love that we, have already received.

A real consequence of doing good, is that our souls naturally profit; know that you’ve lived a Godly life, by honoring the Law and His prophets.

Author Notes: Loosely based on: Matt 7:12; 1 Chr 16:11; Gen 4:9; Psa 28:6-8; 1 John 4:15-19


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